Donnerstag, 10. September 2020

Stimmen zu 'Girls in the neighbourhood'

"Wahnsinn diese Österreicher, der Rhythmus is zack, zack, zack, Leinwand!"
(Die Süddeutsche Zeitung)

"Double D goes Langspielplatte? Kenn ich nicht und Claudia kennt die auch nicht."
(Karl Lagerfeld)

"Charles is der Nachname, ihr Pfeifen. Aber sonst super, vor allem die Farben vom Video."
(Musikerkollege Sigi Spencer von den Sunshine Sisters, aus Kalifornien)

"Hey, das war mein Song ihr Loser. Ich hatte den schon vor Jahren geträumt, kann mich aber jetzt erst erinnern."
(Musikerkollege Blinkey 7 (ohne Midnight Gang) aus der Betty Ford Klinik)

"A bunch of suckers and losers, just put them in the army, now."
(Donald Trumpet, first man at work und erster A-Geiger des Weltorchesters via Twitter)

Warum sollte es uns anders gehen? Als Österreicher in der Heimat ignoriert und im Ausland ge... na sagen wir wahrgenommen. Unsere Antwort lautet: "Der Zeit ihre Kunst, der Kunst ihre Freiheit" (Secession Wien)

'Girls in the neighbourhood' out now!

WAHNSINN - 4 Jahre nix und dann sowas: die unglaubliche Rückkehr von Double D goes Langspielplatte! 

Neues Lied, neues Video, und der Groove is immer noch der Hammer. Da fragt sich Die Welt natürlich wie wir das in der kurzen Zeit hinbekommen haben!? Wenig geschlafen und durchgebuggelt (allein die Kosten fürs Catering belaufen sich inzwischen auf mehrere Milliarden Euro, aber keine Sorge wir ham da einen Top Kredit von der Commercialbank in Mattersburg bekommen), für euch machen wir das gerne :-)! 

Viel Spass mit den Mädchen aus der Nachbarschaft, gute Nacht und viel Glück,
  eure Double Ds

Dienstag, 8. September 2020

Girls in the neighbourhood - Das Video!

Sommer, Sonne, Kaktus hat leider grad Pause und weils zu Hause sowieso am schönsten ist ham wir uns mal in der Nachbarschaft genauer umgesehen. Viel Spaß mit Girls in the Neighbourhood!

Dienstag, 1. September 2020

25 - Girls in the neighbourhood


"Every mornin' 'fore the sun comes up
She brings me coffee in my favorite cup

(Ray Charles)

25_Girls in the neighbourhood

There’s this girl in the neighborhood
and she thinks that it’s perfectly understood
that I love her and I think about her all the time.

Well this girl from my neighborhood
always tells me that I should
ask her out next Saturday night on a date.

What Rosie doesn’t know
is that I just don’t love her so,
because there’s this girl I know
and she makes me feel fine, so fine.

So there’s Amanda in the neighborhood
and I thought it was perfectly understood
that I adored her and dreamt about her all the time.

Well Amanda from my neighborhood
never told me that I should
ask her out next Saturday night on a date.

But what I did not have in mind,
for all these girls made me blind
Rosie was no single child,
her brother Charles knocked on my door.

and he informed me while breaking my shin bone twice
that Amanda and he were lovers. I saw it in his eyes
that he would kill me, so I blacked out right there
and when I woke up again I saw lovely blonde hair,
and even more lovely blue eyes.

Lovely Rosie took away all my pain
and she mended my bones while I walked with a cane
she was so lovely in her pretty white nursery dress.

Even Charles, now my brother in law,
was happy to see that his breaking my jaw
had its good sides 'cause my love for my Rosie is real.

But what Charles did not have in mind,
that Amanda wasn’t so kind
she took all his money and left,
hitting the road with Jaqueline Schulz, oh lovely Jaqueline.

Charles found a new girl, as cute as she can be,
with lips like roses and hair like Dolly P.
He thanked the heavens, though his sight was getting low
and he cried Hallelujah - I love her so.